Wednesday, September 25, 2013

The scarecrow

The short video really opened my mind to see the bigger picture on things. There were variety of messages throughout the video but the one I caught on to the most was how we as society nurture ourselves. By nurture I mean how we provide to our citizens fast processed food because it's cheaper and easier to make instead of providing what is best for the common wealth. If we really cared for one another we would want the best for each other. Yes processed food can be done at big quantities and at a fast pace but it isn't the healthiest food on the other hand it is bad for your body. What works is natural organic food that is good for the human body. It provides the proper vitamins and minerals that make our body's function the correct way. 
The problem in the scarecrow short video was that the scarecrow noticed how in his community the civilians weren't being fed the proper food. He noticed the process in witch the food would go through before getting to the hands of the consumer. He resolved the problem by growing his own food like natural fruits and vegetables from his house, the people ended up liking the natural food more then the processed food because it just tastes better and is also good for you.

Monday, September 9, 2013

And now I present to you Kirsten

           Lady's and gentleman I have the pleasure to introduce this wonderful and talented  person my class mate, Kristen. Kirsten Duarte is an eighteen year old Hispanic with a bright smile living in the Scottsdale area. Her family consists of 6, she has two sisters and a brother. She takes extreme passion in singing, it's been her hobby for as long as she can remember, she's been in several well known groups around the valley. Kirsten is currently attending Benedictine University at Mesa seeking some form of degree, not really sure what major she wants to pick but takes interest in taking a journey to study abroad in China. One of her forms of inspirations is the children at her charter school she has mentored, they became very close and they motivated her to maybe become a teacher one day. She dreams to one day be able to travel to China and teach the kids music anything from folk to classical music. She hopes to inspire young musical minds just like how she was inspired by her own choral instructor.

Thursday, September 5, 2013

Writing to a poet of the 20th century

Dear Pablo, 
      I am a freshman in college and over the years my writing has been developing. Although I have completed high school English courses, my writing still seems not to be able to flow. Writing has always been one of my favorite subjects when it comes to school but I have never been good to flow the words into paragraphs. My words need life, and should shine when the reader sets eyes on them, at this point I think they are as dull as can be. I do have to say your writing has really opened my eyes into how words can be so descriptive and yet so simple at times. Your tone and word choice is so unique, that it automatically makes the readers mind start flowing. When reading your poetry it inspires me to keep trying to make my writing as contagious. Thanks for leaving such an amazing trail for us to follow.

Querido Ray,
      Thanks for all the kind words and remarks, but, in reality my writing wasn't as good as you make it seem. I also struggled on how to put the words in my head down on paper. It is astonishing that in my mind I can picture an object with such great detail but there was times where I would struggled to pick the words that would flow to what my mind was viewing. Don't give up on writing especially poetry, it is the language of the soul put on paper. It pleases me to hear that I contribute to one of your forms of writing inspirations. I had mine and they were a big factor in my writing, my basic foundation. Good luck to you on your education and writing exploration.
 Keep dreaming - Pablo Neruda

Wednesday, September 4, 2013

How Writing can change the world

My writing is very un-transitional, the words don't click when it comes to moving on to a different subject. I do like to describe objects very descriptively to get a visual. I feel that my writing is very universal and easy to pick up and read.
My words are dull and not to bright
It does although, flow very smoothly for what it is.
Whatever is on my mind goes on the paper,I stand up for what I personally believe in when it comes to writing.